Attorney at Law

Licensing, Administrative Law, Accusations, Investigations, Applications.

California License Defense Attorney


Professional License Defense, One Case at a Time. 

You worked hard for your license. When you hear from your licensing agency that you're being investigated or, worse, the subject of an Accusation, there's more at stake than you may realize. Of course, your license permits you to practice - as a physician, nurse, therapist, accountant, teacher, realtor, or other professional. Without your license the loss of income could be devastating. For many, the corresponding loss of reputation, status, and self-image can be just as cruel. The loss of a professional license can mean becoming effectively unemployable. Prospective employers will want to know what happened and why you lost your license. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU.    

With so much at stake, don't go unarmed into a meeting with your licensing agency. Some licensing  agencies will tell you it's not necessary to hire a lawyer. Theoretically they're right. You could do it yourself. Theoretically, you could write your own will, handle your own divorce, or maybe even build your own swimming pool. But is it a good idea? Think about how much you earn with your license in a single year. Retaining an experienced licensing attorney is the smart thing to do.

I've handled numerous licensing cases with excellent results. My prelaw professional background means I often come to the table already knowledgeable about my client's professional standards and procedures - while most attorneys still need to research how you do your job and why. In many cases I've done or supervised the tasks that are the focus of your licensing agency. This is a real advantage. 

As a one-tme director of a psychiatric assessment program, I'm also knowledgable about drug and alcohol issues, treatment programs, and the issues associated with defending allegations of drug diversion, DUI, and substance-related performance issues. My clients often comment that they feel they're getting the services of a counselor as well as an attorney.  

Call (916) 873-9237 today for a free consultation.           

Legal advertising. Past results are no guarantee of future outcomes. Testimonials/endorsements don't  constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your personal legal matter.





407 Poppy Avenue                Corona del Mar, California 92625

(916) 873-9237



Fellow of The American Association of Nurse Attorneys

Member of The California Society of Healthcare Attorneys

Member of the California State Bar #296273


Areas of Practice


Licensing investigations are a serious matter. Often the investigator has police power and may even show up unannounced to question you. Statements you make can be used as evidence against you at a hearing. Inconsistencies in your statements can be used to call you dishonest. A licensing investigation can even lead into a criminal investigation.

Put yourself in the strongest position possible by having an experienced licensing attorney guide you through your investigation. With an experienced attorney by your side, your chances of avoiding license discipline are greater. In some cases, with skillful handling, it's possible to stop your agency at the investigation stage. CASE CLOSED! 


Applying for a license can be difficult, especially with complications such as criminal convictions or the loss of a professional license in your past. A well-drafted application with the appropriate attachments and supporting documentation can make the difference between being granted a license and being rejected. 

I can help guide you through your application process, optimizing your chances for success. I've been able to help clients with multiple criminal convictions obtain a professional license. 

Of course, no attorney can guarantee the grant of a license in any case. 

Early termination of probation

In many cases, those who've had their licenses placed on probation can apply for early termination of their license probation. Doing so can help lower your costs, free you of burdensome administrative requirements, and get you back on track with your profession. 

I've helped others get their probation terminated early and I can help you too. Agency procedures differ and some require an administrative hearing. As always, there is no guarantee of a particular result in any legal proceeding. 


An Accusation is a formal charge by your licensing agency that you have fallen below the standards of your profession and threatening you with discipline up to and including revocation of your license. It is a very serious matter. Your license can be revoked just for not responding to an Accusation in the brief time allowed. 

I've successfully defended numerous licensees who've been subjected to Accusations. I've gotten outstanding results ranging from the rare outcome of the agency having to withdraw their Accusation after being beaten at hearing, to preserving my client's licenses through discipline and rehabilitation. None of my many cases have ever resulted in the loss of a client's license. 

Of course, every case is unique, no attorney statement, testimonial, or endorsement constitutes a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. 


In most cases, where a license has been revoked, an application process exists to potentially reinstate that revoked license. As with initial applications, the quality of the narrative, supporting documents, and overall presentation make a big difference in your chances of having your license reinstated. 

I've helped others get their licenses reinstated and I can help you too. Every case is unique and no attorney can guarantee that any license will be reinstated. 

exclusionary list removal

Medical professionals and others can sometimes be placed on Medicare, Medi-Cal or other exclusionary lists by state or federal government or others as a result of license discipline. I can help you navigate the bureaucratic maze presented by various agencies charged with certifying and decertifying licensees. 


arrest and conviction Reporting

Licensing agencies usually require that their licensees notify them within a certain period of time of arrests or convictions - or both. Failure to do so can result in an Accusation charging you with UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT in addition to the actual arrests or convictions your agency considers worthy of filing a formal Accusation. 

Having an experienced licensing attorney on your side can help you ensure that you are timely with these important reports to your agency. The rules of each agency differ and their instructions are often confusing and fraught with pitfalls that can make your situation even worse depending on how your communicate with your licensing agency. Handling these important communications with your agency can prevent bigger problems down the line. I can also consult with your criminal lawyer about licensing considerations during your criminal proceeding. 

administrative hearings

Many licensing matters are determined at an administrative hearing. This is often like a trial with a judge, two opposing lawyers, the presentation of evidence, rules of procedure, and legal arguments. There are sometimes witnesses, but usually no jury. As you can imagine, this is a stressful event with high stakes for licensed professionals. 

I can not only personally represent you at your hearing, but also prepare you ahead of time to give testimony and to handle cross-examination - in addition to preparing your witnesses, if any. Because of the complex and stressful nature of a hearing, I usually spend a great deal of time with my clients preparing for their hearing. 

My clients appreciate the time I make available to meet with them and discuss their concerns by phone or email. Thorough preparation helps improve the chances of a successful hearing. I've had tremendous success at administrative hearings. Your success is my profession. 

No attorney can guarantee a particular result at any legal proceeding, including at hearings. My past success is no guarantee of success with your individual case.   


Contact me to discuss your situation.

Use the form below to contact me regarding your legal issue. Please be as detailed as possible. You may also email or call me personally.

If you've received an Accusation, have a hearing date, or for any other urgent matter you are advised to call me immediately at (916) 873-9237